Thursday, February 8, 2007

Getting Ready to Go

Before I go on a big trip, I always try to get really prepared. Sometimes overly prepared. I make to-do lists, must-pack lists, must-bring back lists, must-visit lists... it's a bit overwhelming. This time around I'm going to try and simplify things.

Since I'm staying with my fabulous friends Kate and Nic, much of the stress I usually feel before going out of the country has been silenced. I have all the immunizations I need, I've called my bank so they don't freak out when they see charges in Cairo, I've paid my rent early, the pet sitter is lined up, and I know where I'll be laying my head at night. A very good feeling indeed. Despite all my preperation, I'm still nervous. And being a bit nervous is good, I think.

One of the things I do before a trip is clean my entire apartment. Not just pick up, but vacuum, dust... whole whole works. There's nothing better than coming home from a crazy long plane ride to a clean, nice apartment. Yesterday I cleaned the living room, office, and bedroom. Tonight is the kitchen and bathroom- oh joy.

Time to get back to packing and cleaning... and Grey's Anatomy!

The first picture is what my bedroom looked like while packing, and the second picture is what my living room looked like when I cleaned up!

1 comment:

kimprobable said...

haha. here's what mine looked like before I got on my flight to Cairo.

Have a great time!!! I'm pricing flights myself at the moment ")